Career Planner Reports

Have you ever notice that few people reach the top of their career in the very early stage of life while others keep on starving and chasing for their dream career all through life. If an individual is aware of a few of the things related to his horoscope and career, then they tend to attain a stage of satisfactory career at a relatively suitable time.

Our Vedic Astrology experts study your horoscope chart and find out the correlation of your native planets with the transition of planets in the coming time with respect to dashes (mahadasha and antardasha). This analysis helps to understand the suitable time of the heights for your career and the downfalls.
With the help of Career Planner Analysis one can find out the answers of the below questions:

  • What is the best way of earnings : private job, government job, business
  • What industry will suit you : garments, media, IT, technical, non-technical
  • Possibility of dual career
  • Most suitable time for the heights of your career
  • Special Talent or skill that can help you to achieve the goal
  • Possibility of Further education
  • The location that suits you the most : Home city/country or Outside

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